Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Great Commission & Outreach

How should Jesus’ Great Commission (found in Matthew 28:18-20 & Acts 1:8) impact or shape our outreach program? Please share specific principles and ideas.)


  1. As in all things, The Great Commission has a wider reach than we can imagine. We need to do the mundane things that we, as mortals, don't see going anywhere. Smile more, call people by thier names, share, don't fight; all the things we learned in kindergarden. We have to remember that our relationship with Jesus is a personal one, so be personal.

  2. I agree with Mike that we need to be personal where we can. We are called to share Jesus not a program - and that becomes very personal.

    However Acts 1:8 calls us to share Jesus in ever widening circles. It will be more difficult for me to share Jesus personally "to the ends of the earth".

    I would like for Holy Spirit Church to support a single type/area of outreach for the near term - could be prisoners, children, hunger, adequate housing, etc. But choose one type/area that we could personally be involved in on a local and perhaps regional level. Then we could also send funds to ministries that share Jesus and the Gospel in this same type/area of outreach in far away places.
